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  4. Jo Crepain, Crepain Binst Architecture

Jo Crepain, Crepain Binst Architecture


1. Urban projects
2005 - Urban development for the Heijaar estate, Heijaar, Breda
2004 - Urban development with 157 homes, Apeldoorn
2003 - 143 apartments surrounded by greenery, Hoorn
2003 - Urban development including 137 homes and a fire station, Vleuten
2002 - 70 homes in five blocks, Almere
2002 - Urban development with 360 homes, Landgraaf
2002 - Master plan for offices (150 000m²) and apartments (90 000m²), Tilburg
2002 - Park and residential zone with 450 homes, Wondelgem
2001 - New South. First urban expansion of Antwerp since 1920. 1000 homes, 150,000m² of office space and a multi-purpose centre acting as a bridge between Old and New South
2001 - Master plan for 300 homes, 1200 apartments, 20,000m² of office space, Temse
2000 - Urban development for 850 homes, Utrecht
2000 - Urban development with 520 homes, Beverwijk
2000 - Urban plan for Amersfoort, divided into two areas: one with 4-storey homes and one with tower blocks over 10 floors high
1999 - Urban development plan including businesses, homes and a psychiatry department, Amsterdam
1998 - 1150 homes and a hospital, Geleen

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